on inspiration

It's no secret that we all go through periods when we just don't feel inspired. Whether in our work, creative endeavors or both, these dry spells can feel crippling and be tough to get out of. I've struggled with how to kick myself into gear during these times, never certain of what will do the trick. Well, I'm here to tell you, I think I've found my solution! I've been working on a quilt from Haptic Labs for a little over a month, and while I wasn't really in a funk when I started, I've found that quilting is keeping me inspired. This ongoing project (I'm 50+ hours in so far!) keeps me thinking creatively without pressure. I find myself daydreaming about new paintings and techniques while I quilt - I think the repetition of the stitches and the length of time it's taking seem to be the perfect combination! If you want to start your own quilt, check out Haptic's DIY shop here.

I'd love to know, what keeps you inspired??

